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since establishment of UNESCO Chair on EHAE on 28 March 2019

od daty podpisania porozumienia 28 marca 2019


Professor William Mitch - Director of Everglades Wetland Research Park, University of Florida Gulf Coast, USA. He is the co-author of over 700 publications, including the popular Wetlands textbook. In 2004, he was awarded the Stockholm Water Prize, equivalent to the Nobel Prize in water science. He was also the initiator and editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Ecological Engineering". As a Visiting Professor at the Department of Applied Ecology, FBEP UL, he has conducted classes with students in the following subjects: Applied Aquatic Ecology, Wetlands & Land-Water Ecotones, Ecohydrology and ecological biotechnologies as a key for bioeconomy and adaptation to global changes and Scientific Writing and also conducted scientific consultations with researchers.

Date of visit: 15.03-5.04.2019

see pdf


Profesor William Mitch - Dyrektor Everglades Wetland Research Park, Uniwersytetu Florida Gulf Coast, USA. Jest współautorem ponad 700 publikacji, w tym popularnego podręcznika Wetlands. W 2004 roku został nagrodzony Stockholm Water Prize, odpowiednikiem nagrody Nobla w zakresie nauk zajmujących się wodą. Był również inicjatorem i wieloletnim redaktorem naczelnym czasopisma naukowego "Ecological Engineering". Jako Visiting Professor w Katedrze Ekologii Stosowanej WBiOŚ UŁ realizował zajęcia ze studentami w ramach przedmiotów: Applied Aquatic Ecology, Wetlands & Land-Water Ecotones, Ecohydrology and ecological biotechnologies as a key for bioeconomy and adaptation to global changes i Scientific Writing oraz prowadził konsultacje naukowe z pracownikami. Termin wizyty: 15.03-5.04.2019

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ISEH - International Society for Ecohydrology

UNESCO Chair on Ecohydrology and Applied Ecology and ERCE PAS joined the ISEH network.

The ISEH was founded at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, by Kelly Fouchy, Cynthia Wright, Marco Albarracin, Pedro Range, Radhouan ben Hamadou and Luis Chicharo. It aims to create a platform for global cooperation in the topic of ecohydrology.

The ISEHis a non profit association with the following boards:
- General Aassembly directed by Prof Maciej Zalewski (Poland),
- Advisory Commitee - coordinated by Dr Giuseppe Ardiuno (UNESCO IHP)
- Executive Board : Elfithri Rahmah (Malasya); Marcos Albarracin (Ecuador); Makarius Lalika (Tanzania); Luis Chicharo (Portugal)
- Young Professional Board, coordinated by Dr José Gaona (Colombia)

Launching date 28 March 2019


2019 – May 16, VISITING PROFESSORS OPEN LECTURE - Professor Delphis Levia (USA) and Dr. Kazuki Nanko (Japonia):

TITLE - Ecohydrology of forest ecosystems: a retrospective reflection and prospectus of future work  (or, what we know and where we should go.

Dr. Delphis Levia is a Professor of Ecohydrology and Chair of the Department of Geography at the University of Delaware in the United States, with a joint appointment in the Department of Plant & Soil Sciences. His research emphasizes precipitation partitioning in the context of forest hydrology and biogeochemistry. He employs a variety of methods ranging from microscopy to disdrometers and laser scanning methods to high-end analytical chemistry instrumentation. Prof. Levia has conducted research in a number of different countries, including the USA, Japan, Germany, Spain, and Panama. In addition to his research, Prof. Levia serves as one of the Series Editors for Springer's prestigious Ecological Studies Series and as an Associate Editor for two journals: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Wiley) and Hydrological Processes (Wiley).

Dr. Kazuki Nanko is a Senior Researcher in Department of Disaster Prevention, Meteorology and Hydrology at Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute in Japan. His research is in the cross-cutting science at interface of meteorology (wind, rainfall, snow, and etc.), forestry, and soil science from ecohydrological and geomorphological perspectives. Specific target is raindrops, rainfall partitioning by forest canopy, tree sway and breakage mechanism by fluid (wind, avalanche, and tsunami), and soil erosion in mountainous forest area. He have studied throughfall drop size distribution and erosivity using laser disdrometers developed by himself. Dr. Nanko has conducted international joint researches with USA, Thailand, Spain, Germany, and France. (cooperation with ERCE PAS)


2019 – October 7 – VIIth International Bioeconomy Congress. Vienna House Andel's Lodz, Poland. Congress is a cyclical initiative whose goal is to create a favorable atmosphere around an innovative, effective and competitive approach to support the development of bioeconomy. By participating in discussion panels and thematic sessions, representatives of business, local government, research and scientific community, organizations and business support institutions supporting the development of the bioeconomy, both from Poland and Europe, participate in it. It is a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience in an international group, as well as establish new business contacts, increase exports and promote not only the voivodship, but above all Łódź entrepreneurs. Lectures were given by UNESCO Chair sciencists in cooperation of ERCE PAS: dr Agnieszka Bednarek, dr Sebastian Szklarek, prof. Joanna Mankiewicz-Boczek, dr Liliana Serwecińska, dr Katarzyna Dziedziczak, mgr Bogusław Kowalski, dr Jerzy Mirosław Kupiec and prof. Maciej Zalewski, - they presented a speech on "Biotechnologies based on denitrification and nitrification processes for limiting the outflow of nitrogen pollutants from point and area sources in order to implement the Nitrates Directive and the European Union Water Directive."

UNESCO Chair on EHAE official launching at the University of Lodz, Poland

2019 – December 13,  LAUNCHING EVENT FOR THE UNESCO CHAIR on Ecohydrology and Applied Ecology at the University of Lodz (POLAND) with participation of: Pro-Rector for Science of UL - Prof. dr hab.Elżbieta Żądzińska, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection - Dr hab. Prof. UL Maciej Bartos, Head of the UNESCO Chair on Ecohydrology and Applied Ecology - Prof. dr hab. Maciej Zalewski and Chief of the Ecohydrology, Water Quality and Water Education Section in the Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO International Hydrological Programme -                      Dr Giuseppe Arduino.


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